Published Articles By Peter Tavino PE, CGD
on Ground Source Heating and Cooling Topics
July, 2017 Worldwide Driller Resource magazine:
August, 2016 Worldwide Driller Resource magazine:
June, 2016 Worldwide Drilling Resource magazine:
Remainder of article as pdf. Click here.
April 2016 Worldwide Drilling Resource magazine:
March 2016 Monitoring Article in WWDR magazine:
February 2016 Worldwide Drilling Resource magazine
January 2016
September, 2015 issue: Architects
July, 2015 issue: Horizontal Drilling
June, 2015 issue: What could go wrong?
May, 2015 issue College Students
April, 2015 issue Worldwide Driller magazine: Backup Heat from Geothermal
March 2015 issue: Geothermal Inspection Article 3 of 3:
Geothermal Inspection Article 2 of 3:
January, 2015: First of Three Article Series
Great article in WWDR on "How to Inspect Geothermal Drilling"!!
Keep up the good work!
Gerald R. McClain
Distance Learning Coordinator
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
1201 S Innovation Way Dr. Suite 400• Stillwater, OK 74074
Habitat Slide Show presented at Baltimore IGSHPA Conference
New 2014 online course for professional engineers written by Peter Tavino PE:
Heat Loss and Gain for
a House
Your Course: 187-Heat Loss and Gain for a House(100189-05) was just reviewed.
Title: No Title
The Reviewer Said:
detailed, easy to follow and well coordinated course.
The Course Was Rated: 5 (of 5 = best)
Reviewed By: B____
by Peter Tavino Professional Engineer
Certified GeoExchange Designer IGSHPA Trainer LEED AP
Humorous Instructional Video Our new copyrighted 20 minute funny video explaining geothermal was originally presented at last year's IGSHPA conference in Indiana. Simply Geothermal is available to the public for free on youtube. Enjoy!
The December, 2014 issue of World Wide Drilling Resources magazine (40,000 circulation)
The November, 2014 issue of World Wide Drilling Resources magazine
The October, 2014 issue of World Wide Drilling Resources magazine (40,000 circulation)
Feng Shui Geothermal Translated to "Wind Water" . I translate to "Air in Ducts and Water in the Ground Loop!" True Positive Energy
The September, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
A Day in the Life
Page 13 Page 14 (Last issue. See Worldwide Driller magazine in the future)
The August, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Applying Geothermal to Basements
Click arrow at right to open to page 8
Making Geothermal Better Room by Room (Emme System)
click arrow button to page 7.
Efficient Geothermal Heat Delivery
The May, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Great Expectations
The April, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Heat Pump Monitoring
The March 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Page two coverage:
Habitat article:
Subject: Awesome Interview
From: Dawn Whalen
Date: Feb 7, 2014
Pete - I just posted the link to the interview on our web site as well as our
Facebook pages....well done!!
Happy Friday!
The February, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Geothermal Storage
The January, 2014 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
DIY - Do It Yourself Geothermal
The December, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Geothermal for Celebrities
The November, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Challenges to Geothermal
The October, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Indoor Air Quality and Geothermal
The September, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"The Main Accessory, the Circulation Pump"
The August, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
Drilling and Installation Equipment"
The July, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Training: Live vs. Online"
The June, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Grout Thermal Conductivity"
The May, 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Twister Loop Pipe"
The April 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Installing Ground Loops Safely" and continued on page 22
Note that the print edition references to inches are corrected herein to feet, such as "a seven foot deep trench".
The March 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Renewable Power from Underground"
The February 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine (online edition)
"Planning with Owners"
The January 2013 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine
The December 2012 issue of World Wide Geothermal Resources magazine
The November 2012 WWGR Magazine features the article:
Selling Geo is like Selling a Car
September 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Finish Your Ground Source Job the Right Way
August, 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Separating geothermal Boreholes from Water Wells
June 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Proposed article for real estate magazine.
May 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Sizing heat pumps by using fuel oil history.
April 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
March, 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Construction Inspection of Geothermal
February, 2012 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Building Inspectors Focus on Ground Source Systems
Norfolk Now Feb. 2012 article on Litchfield Geothermal Project
Geothermal Heating / Cooling Comes to Norfolk
December, 2011 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
The International Energy Conservation Code for Ground Source Heating and Cooling
November, 2011 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
The Energy Used to Install a Loop Field
October 2011 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Heat Spring Magazine October 2011 Answers for Chris' article
Natural Awakenings Magazine -Winter issue 2010/2011
Grounded: Using Geothermal Heating for Your Home
June 2011 World Wide Geothermal Resources Magazine
Loop Length Software page 2 with websites on line continuing education for engineers
preview for free or sign up for continuing education credit hours
Geothermal Heating and Cooling
Geothermal Boreholes
Ground Source Water to Air Heat Pumps
The Energy Audit of an Existing Home
Heat Loss and Gain
for a House